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Trivette Clinic ParaFest
April 13, 2024

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Paranormal Festival at Trivette Clinic in Hamptonville, NC

William Trivette opened the Trivette Clinic in 1932 after Graduating from the Medical School of Virginia and fighting for England during World War I. The Hospital was known for its modern equipment and treatment techniques. However, William Trivette passed away only six years after opening his clinic due to a bought of pneumonia. After the clinic closed in 1939, the building was eventually purchased in 1945 and turned into a supper club, rest resort, and alcohol detox center. The building was once again sold in 1961 when it became a private home. The building was once again sold in 1981 when it was converted into a nursery. The property owners began to allow ghost tours and investigations in 2011 and the location has since become one of the most well known paranormal locations in the state of North Carolina.  â€‹


Guest Speakers

Speakers and panelist from across North Carolina.

Paranormal Workships

Workshops and trainings for paranormal investigators at all experience levels.

History Tours

Tour the beautiful Trivette Clinic and learn about her past residents. 

Psychic Mediums

Dedicated Psychic and Medium section for all of your divination needs. 


Paranormal vendors and crafts. 

Tickets On Sale Now

Apr 13, 2024, 10:00 AM
Trivette Clinic

Paranormal Workshops


Panels and Speakers


There are many ways you can join us at Trivette Clinic ParaFest. If you would like to have a booth or are interesting in being a speaker or workshop leader, please fill out the corresponding forms below. 

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